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Part 2:

You're So F*cking Special

Finally, here is the theatrical trailer for David Fincher's upcoming movie, The Social Network. Based on Ben Mezrich's book The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook, A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal, the story follows Mark Zuckerberg during his days at Harvard while creating the now ubiquitous Facebook. The movie features two of Hollywood's fastest rising stars, Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield. Jesse Eisenberg has been climbing up the Hollywood ladder for years now, making a name for himself in offbeat movies such as the under-the-radar Adventurland, and more recently Zombieland. Andrew Garfield is a relative newcomer on the national scene, having previously starred in The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, a movie that no one saw other than to see Heath Ledger's last role before his death. Garfield will soon explode into the national spotlight however, as he is pegged to be Peter Parker in the next iteration of the Spider-Man films.

In all honesty though, the only reason I posted this trailer is the haunting, choral cover of Radiohead's creep that perfectly accompanies various images that we have all grown familiar with.

Bad Romance

A few days ago Lady Gaga allegedly posed for a photo shoot where she cross dressed like a man. Since her debut Gaga has been dogged by rumors that she was in fact a man, or at the very least, a hermaphrodite. One can't help noticing the similarity between herself and a great pop culture from another time.

It's not your fault... It's not your fault.... No, No, Not You, Man

The saddest commercial ever, and Jesus. They're not kidding. What an awful, exploitative, effective way to sell a product(whatever it is).

Daily Round Up

  • David Wong declares the opening of E3 2010 "The Day the Gaming Industry Died." He makes some very convincing, although somewhat obvious arguments. (Cracked)
  • Turns out North Korea is still just as messed up as we imagined they are. (Deadspin)
  • Scott Cacciola discusses the "biggest bust in Yankees history," Carl Pavano Dandy, a mascot who was almost fully introduced into Yankee Stadium culture if not for the ill timed antics of Lou Piniella and a public statement by Big Stein. (WSJ)
  • Transcript of President Obama's Oval Office speech addressing the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and the crisis that has followed for the past month and a half. (Huffington Post)
  • Funny Clip of The Day:

    Soccer Officially Announces It Is Gay

Below is the full-length commercial for Nike's Write the Future campaign for the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa. There's no shortage of rock-star athletes throughout the commercial including Christiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney, Ronaldihno, and sure, why not, Roger Federer, Kobe Bryant, and Homer Simpson. Needless to say, billions of people will be tuning in to the World Cup when it kicks off June 12th, and Nike looks like they're positioning themselves to be a pretty dominant presence throughout the tournament.

Here is a parody of that bizarre-o Zombie Earl Woods (Tiger's Dad) commercial that came out when Tiger was making his comeback to the golf scene after his sex scandal. I'll never think of the Nike logo the same way again.


This is just an unbelievable video that I didn't notice people posting on Facebook at all, so I'll just go ahead and assume a lot of you didn't see it.

Without further ado,

PIXELS by Patrick Jean from ONE MORE PRODUCTION on Vimeo.